Friday, January 27, 2012

week four point one.
here's what i came up with when i got tired of trying to make macro photos out of crap in my room, which failed epically. like seriously, nothing good came of it. but i like these...not even really sure why.

week four.
this is what happens when you put {macro} as the theme in january, bogus. {macro} isn't supposed to be stuff i find in my room, which i what i did originally. except i'm rather excited because i didn't post those right away and did this instead. it turned out pretty cool (besides that ya get flowers again - super lame, i know)

p.s. i have a ton more of these pictures, some of them are cooler. they just didn't fit under the {macro}  theme

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

week three.
my {breakfast} choices are rather boring...they generally consist of cereal or oatmeal, so this is what ya get this week. nomm :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

week pre-three.
this is not my actual week three post, which i was thinking was macro but apparently it's breakfast. my badd. but anyways, since it's not macro i can add some other pictures i took this morning, woot :) ...breakfast may be a challenge...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

week two.
second week in january and there's still no snow, but it's plenty {cold} out, even found some ice today. and bear gets to be in this week too because his {cold} nose kept me company for our last walk this morning (and every day last week :))

Thursday, January 5, 2012

week one and a half.
{not cold}
so i'm adding a mid-week post, sorta because next weeks theme is cold, which doesn't really work out so well considering how {not cold} it is out, but mainly because i get to take advantage of this weather and get some super pretty pictures 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

week one.
i think for this week - seein' as how it's a {new} year, a {new} camera, and a {new} blog and all - my pictures automatically fit the theme :)