Friday, February 24, 2012

week eight.
justin and erin wouldn't be my cliche in-love-kissing-in-the-pretty-snow couple so i had to settle for second best...and what's more {romantic} than bud light anyways?

thanks to becky and ballin' for their contributions to this excursion :) 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

week six-point-two.
these pictures don't fall under the lovely theme i came up with for the week but i seriously {love-this-tree} making them blog-worthy. 

week six.
so the theme is really supposed to be sleepy or something ridiculously close to last weeks theme...dumb. you get {rustic} instead for no particular reason other that i like it and i said so. enjoy :)

actually, on second thought, i don't even necessarily know what {rustic} means. let's just agree that it's a nice way of saying rusty, deal?
p.s. i fell in a crick taking pictures on this adventure, it made me seriously reconsider this whole blog thing.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

week five.
this has by far been the most challenging theme. i was trying to avoid the taking pictures of people sleeping, or clocks with super late i took these pictures after a super late night in the ceramics lab. pretty sure i was way past {tired} and the rest of the world was sleeping. legit, right?